mousey musings
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Miers withdraws Supreme Court nomination -- I think this is good news. I'm a liberal, and I appreciate that she was more moderate than just about anyone else Bush might nominate, but she just wasn't qualified for the job. She was a Bush crony -- a nice one to be sure, but a crony nonetheless. I'm sure she's a fine lawyer, but with little evidence that she's ever thought seriously about the Constitution her nomination gave me the willies. Her bizarre comment about the (nonexistent) guarantee of "proportional representation" was enough to make me think that she was the Constitutional equivalent of dice. Now if she were appointed to a District judgeship, I wouldn't bat an eye since she does have considerable legal experience and appelate courts would be able to review her decisions while she gained experience.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
ExtremePumpkins.com has some great ideas for pumpkin carving. Puking pumpkin is an oldie but goodie.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Bias and "House Effects" in Presidential Job Approval polls -- Which polls consistently overestimate or underestimate job approval for Presidents? It appears from this data that Fox overestimates support for both Clinton and Bush, while Zogby consistently -- and dramatically -- underestimates support for Bush. Other tidbits: Harris polls are a bit lower than average, while AP polls look extraordinarily noisy compared to others and each other.
Flapart -- OK, this is funny. These are false slipcovers that you wrap around the book you're reading in order to play with strangers' minds. Of course you have to read in public to find it worthwhile, so it's best for subway-riders or people who fly a lot.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
BBC: Sweden discovers 'zombie worms' -- I thought this headline was sensationalist until I read the article. Not only so these tiny worm-like creatures feed on whale bones that drift to the bottom of the North Sea, their scientific name means "bone-eating snot-flower." I think I rather prefer "zombie worms" to that.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Mate two animals to create a new one. (Please no actual mating. Just the result) -- This is one of my favorite FARK Photoshop contests. The results gave my wife the willies, for she hates anything uncanny. The dog-bird hybrid is not to be missed.
Monday, October 17, 2005
China completes railway to Tibet -- The railroad is more than 3 miles above sea level in some places. Sealed cabins are necessary to prevent altitude sickness in riders. The Chinese government has built an expensive engineering wonder, but let's be honest: The isn't about promoting "greater development" in Tibet; it's about making colonial penetration of the area by Han Chinese and military units that much easier.
Family Saga, and Skeleton, Uncovered -- This is a horrific story, punctuated by "The story gets worse." is several places. Read on if you'd like to see something really depressing. You know the Lifetime movie is coming...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Origin of Noodleous doubleous: Evidence for Intelligent Design is a simple page demonstrating how easily scientific terminology is used to dress up old-fashioned theology (in this case, the ancient and widespread belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster). Includes bonus warning of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
An odd genre of greeting...

I don't know who these are aimed at; if one wants to work on a relationship, wouldn't LOVE be more appropriate?
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Weird and wonderful vocabulary from around the world -- A review of the new book by Adam Jacot de Boinod. I want this book.
In retrospect, Boeing decides that maybe an ad promising to "unleash hell" on "Muhammad Mosque" wasn't the most tasteful way to promote its aircraft.
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