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Friday, April 30, 2004
Iraq Coalition Casualties -- I've posted this link before, but I recommend checking it regularly for the most up-to-date figures on US and allied casualties in Iraq. Now that April is over, check out the totals for the last few months. OK, who had the brilliant idea to go after a major religious figure towards the end of March? Every time the fire dies down, we seem to pour on a cup of kerosene. Sometimes we need to be willing to absorb small attacks, even fatal ones, without launching massive campaigns. Yes, that's why it sucks to be an occupying power. Expecting the population to love us -- or else -- is a recipe for higher American casualties.

US military in torture scandal -- The interesting bits on this piece revolve around the use of mercenaries -- er, civilian contractors -- in Iraq. Since these people operate outside military responsibility and cannot be prosecuted by military courts, they have been some of the worst human-rights abusers. Something not mentioned in the article is that the insurgents could probably execute these people if captured without violating international law, since one requirement for coverage under the Geneva Conventions is fighting under an entity that requires military responsibility. These guys really are "unlawful combatants," and if I were them I'd consider asking to be placed under military jurisdiction to increase the odds (however slender) that the insurgents would treat me as more of a POW than a mercenary.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Best Columbine Analysis Yet -- This is a very interesting take on why the Columbine killers did it, courtesy of some FBI analysts who worked on the case for something like 5 years. Even if you're really bored of hearing about these two, you should read this. Don't miss the sidebar debunking myths about the massacre.

Friday, April 16, 2004
Beware the Squid -- Even the dead ones can kill you.

That annoying "My Twinn" doll company finally crashes and burns -- Pity the poor parents who didn't get their $150 doll that looked just like little Jimmy. What pretentious garbage.

Should government be run like a brewery? -- I always hated hearing that government ought to be run like a business, but I think I can live with this approach.

Father sues school district over harassment of his son: Classmates taunted ballroom dancer, 12, perceived as gay -- Here's the part that pisses me off. Sure, kids can be cruel. Almost everyone has at least a fe bad memories from middle-school years. However, the district seems to believe that this is the sort of thing people need to deal with as part of growing up. I'm not so sure. It's not as if we let grown-ups sexually harass each other or hit each other. The cops don't (or shouldn't) say to violent crime victims, "oh just ignore him and he'll go away." So why does it become acceptable to let kids be victimized in ways we would not permit for adults? Learning to fight is not a useful grown-up skill; using that skill is far more likely to cause grown-up problems than to fix them. That doesn't mean we need to treat bullies the same way we treat adult predators, but we should still make it a priority to protect their victims. Even if you're libertarian, most people agree that one of the reasons we have a government is to protect people from each other.

Man killed with own car by his designated driver -- Tip to readers: make sure the designated driver isn't even more drunk than you.

Monday, April 12, 2004
Photomosaic of John Ashcroft -- His face is made of out porn people....

These chicks are cute -- The best part is that it's painless. Sure it may not be natural but it looks fun for kids....

Sunday, April 11, 2004
Performers Whip Easter Bunny At Church Play: "Performers broke eggs meant for an Easter egg hunt and also portrayed a drunken man and a self-mutilating woman..."

Friday, April 09, 2004
A follow up on the subservient chicken -- here's an index of all the keywords and the clips they trigger...

Thursday, April 08, 2004
Subservient Chicken -- I think it's an ad campaign, but I rather like it. How very surreal...

Agritourism sprouting up across country -- If you want your kids to hate you, take them to a farm for vacation...

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Lawmakers OK hunting of state symbol of peace -- Mmm now we know why the doves are mourning....

Eyeball jewelry a new Dutch fashion trend -- what was wrong with a good old-fashioned tongue-splitting or genital piercing? Kids these days....

First they bring back leeches, then maggots, and now this -- medieval medicine seems to be making a disgusting comeback lately....

Sunday, April 04, 2004
Neighbours from hell get free home -- Try to picture this one happening in the U.S.

Saturday, April 03, 2004
Newsdesigner.com has an article on the Fallujah photos and how they were used and modified (cropped) by various news outlets. Fascinating (though graphic) stuff.

Police deny banana torture -- Believe it or not, this is related to the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia....

It ain't no trench-coat Mafia -- School bans friends from wearing the same color, especially if it's pink. PINK ?!?!

"Liberal Arts" College Shuts Down Student Government -- Well, eliminating democracy is one way to deal with "personal attacks," I guess...

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